Friday Roundup: 7-9-10 ‡ MP3s

1. Black Milk- Welcome (Go Home)
Black Milk‘s upcoming album is pretentiously titled Album of the Year, but this man has reason to be cocky. Working out of Detroit, the guy has built himself up as one of the hardest-working producers in underground hip hop. He’s not a bad MC either.

2. Cults- Oh My God
This track was the last single to come up in Adult Swim’s weekly singles segment. I hope they do this again, because the tracks that came out of it–with the exception of Madvillain‘s, pffff–were really great. Cults‘ contribution is nothing to scoff at, too. A great hook, soulful organ, and an endearing glockenspiel make this thing cute and catchy.

3. Dam-Funk- A Day At the Carnival
There’s a reason the word “funk” is in this guy‘s name. He revives the kitsch of electrofunk with absolutely no regrets. Listen to his album Toeachizown if you wish to purge your ears of all that unfunky music you listen to on a regular basis. This track comes from a new compilation via Proximal Recs.

4. Superhumanoids- Cranial Contest
This LA outfit has graced this blog more than once, and this track has got me pumped for their debut EP, Urgency. I love the straightforward, minimal sound of this band, and the gentle vocals are a nice touch, too. The hook is killer, and the mix impeccable. Stream their new EP here.

5. The Thermals- I Don’t Believe You
When a band has been around for nearly ten years, they start to gain a noticeably confident and experienced sound. I’m not using “experienced” to say “old,” but to state the Thermals have been baiting hooks for a while now–you’d think they’d know how to do it better than most bands out there. “I Don’t Believe You” is the proof. This track comes from the band’s upcoming album, Personal Life. It’s their 5th LP.

6. Tim Cohen- Oh, Oh, Oh
Fresh & Onlys‘ frontman has his eggs in a lot of baskets. From the black metal stylings of AmocomA to the psychedelia of Black Fiction, there’s no telling what this guy is going to do next. “Oh, Oh, Oh,” is his latest tune to leak onto the net, and it’s an endearing, acoustic ballad. Precious vocals and a playful hook make the lo-fi recording here pretty irrelevant. Sweet energy in this one.

7. Sunvisor- Sky Dive
This duo produces electronic music with a dreamy edge, but I wouldn’t go calling it “chillwave.” This track is a sweet display of angelic vocals and 80s-era synth bass. It’s lucid, but won’t put you to sleep. A light pop snack for those with a hunger for dance beats. There’s allegedly an EP in the works from this project titled New Romantique. If the tracks there are on par with this, I’ll need to get my hands on it.


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