Thaiboy plays it pretty safe on his second solo album.
Handily Bladee’s hardest-hitting album, Spiderr also sees him continuing to grow as a vocalist and songwriter.
Everything that’s made V-Boys a special force in post-punk cranked up to 11.
Lean continues to be capable of both striking highlights and lackluster lulls on this latest tape.
Crest might just be enough to convert the undrained.
Bladee continues honing his voice and lyricism on The Fool, his most accessible yet esoteric album to date.
On their sophomore album, Viagra Boys tell a love story via punk eclecticism.
333‘s ethereality may be roughly executed, but Bladee is onto something with this increasingly blissful direction.
The songwriting and vocal performances on Starz often leave a lot to be desired, though the Whitearmor production is pretty stellar.