The latest Woods album is another modest step forward for the band, as well as one of their catchiest and most well-produced efforts yet.
Sweet single off City Sun Eater in the River of Light, the new LP by psych folk act Woods. It’s out April 8 through frontman Jeremy Earl’s Woodsist imprint.
Woodsist Records’ Babies have a new record on the way titled Our House On The Hill. It’s looking at a Nov. 13th release date, and “Get Lost” is one albums’ 12 cuts. The song features a messy, explosive folk rock intro–which will probably appeal to Woods fans–but
New York experimental folk rock outfit Woods have a new LP on the way titled Bend Beyond. It’ll be the band’s seventh full-length album, and “Size Meets the Sound” is the newest track to drop from it. I may be wrong, but I believe I’ve reviewed no
The Babies has a new single out, teasing toward the release of their next album on Woodsist records, Our House On The Hill. Despite some pretty solid singles, I thought the Woods- and Vivian Girls-releated band’s debut LP was a bit inconsistent with its songs being fronted by two
“I’d love to change the world, but I don’t know what to do. So I’ll leave it up to you.” That was the band 10 Years After circa 1971, and 30 years later, Brooklyn’s Woods are changing things with their latest LP, Sun And Shade. It’
MP3 “Time (What’s It Gonna Do?)” is from Nodzzz’s forthcoming album, Innings. It’s the band’s 2nd LP, and their first for Woodsist. Though this track may seem short, it’s no anomaly on Innings. Most of what’s here comes and goes in a flash. It’
It’s not REMIX WEDNESDAY or anything, but this project is just too weird and downright outgoing to leave unposted. To put it simply, this is one remix album to rule them all. This story starts with the synergy of two elements: San Fran music producer “Al Lover” and the