
  • While Hudson Mohawke’s new EP isn’t flashy, detailed, or technically impressive, I still have a lot of fun listening to it. For lack of a better word, I think what actually attracts me to the instrumentals on this thing is that they sound, well, dorky! WATCH THE VIDEO

  • A new video for “GBYE,” which comes from Machinedrum’s new album Room(s). Dig on a review of the album here, and pick it up via Planet Mu. I guess this is the best time to ask this: How many Rubik’s Cubes are too many?

  • come1

    Out via Planet Mu, here’s a track from Machinedrum’s latest album Room(s). This project is the solo effort of producer Travis Stewart, whose been at it for well over a decade now. And if this track “Come1,” isn’t the sound of experience, I don’t know