This Song Sucks

Hey, everyone. Anthony Fantano here. I hope you're ready. We have a big dose of cringe for you guys today as we have a brand new Falling In Reverse track titled "Ronald."

You see this once beloved loud rock outfit from Las Vegas, the brand of their lead singer, Ronnie Radke, has become so disgusting, so toxic, so annoying, so obnoxious that you basically can't think of this band anymore without thinking about how crappy he as a person is. So now, of course, we need to come out with a song that has his name in the title and – oh, his mug shots, the single art. Oh, my God.

We have a new music video for the track as well that just dropped, along with a few interesting features that we will get into. Let's give this Falling In Reverse track a listen and see what it's got, I guess.

Okay, first off, waking up in a Falling In Reverse music video. Greatest nightmare I've ever had.

"Hanging on like a parasite." As far as self-assessments go, I can't really disagree. At least he's being self-aware about it. The other thing I find disturbing about this track so far, just weird, how are there so many people freaking out about this when literally the first 30 seconds vocally, guitar-wise, drum-wise, this is just a Slipknot rip-off. Yeah, this is literally just something from the first two Slipnot albums, and frankly, it was done better there.

Okay, why the random 36 Chambers reference, number one. Number two, while the technicals going into the music video so far are impressive, it does tell you how Ronnie Radke's and Falling In Reverse's and Escape The Fate's following an audience has shifted over the years. No longer does it hang in that weirdly flamboyant scenester wing of post-hardcore and metalcore.

Now instead, it seems like the focus is more on brain dead chuds that just gobble down Marvel movies and play COD all day. I mean, look at all these action shots. Ronnie Radke, his life truly is a video game. He's just going full Joker mode. What is even the least bit metal about any of this? It's just a bad action movie in Hot Topic garb, and that is it.

I lied when I said earlier that waking up in a Falling In Reverse music video, biggest nightmare? No, biggest nightmare is waking up in a falling in reverse music video, and Tech9 is right there in your ear.

Is Tech9 okay? This verse is cookey-to-dukies. Maybe it has something to do with this song having no thematic focus purpose, or purpose, outside of trying to make Roni Radke seem really badass. "I'm such a bad boy." But like, rapping about vomiting because you're trying to find your son in connection with you separating off with his mother and then reversing back to a weirdly transphobic bar is wild. "Sex change could get you caught up in death's reign / She pled sane, but really imitating Ed Gein," meaning the serial killer who inspired the character Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs.

What an odd reference point. What exactly am I supposed to pull from this couple of lines? Is it an acknowledgement that those who undergo transition are more likely to face violence? Is it a threat? A threat from Tech 9, a threat from the world in the abstract, a threat from some Ed Gain type character? Or is the person who did the sex change the Ed Gain type character. This could just be read in a myriad of different ways, that is just, what?

So this is the part that features Alex Terrible, the lead singer of the Russian deathcore outfit, Slaughter to Prevail, who has a pretty storied history himself. Ronnie is not the only bad boy on this track, as one of Alex's claims to fame is having a black Nazi sun tattoo on his elbow. He seems to have since gotten it covered up, but the guy has allegedly said on Russian social media that he likes to keep his actual views on the down low, hush-hush, so that he appeals more widely to Western and American audiences. No doubt, though, this is exactly the thing that draws Ronnie Radke, though, to the guy, because honestly, it cannot be these dime a dozen Cookie Monster vocals that you can get just about everywhere on, again, this Slip Not Ass song that just has some breakdowns on it.

All right, well, that's done. Thank God.

Yeah, I'm just not really sure what purpose this serves outside of Ronnie Radke jerking himself off for three minutes. And we're going to put it up on Epitaph Records. All right, I'm going to leave it there, that hot mess. Just going to leave that hot mess there.

Anthony Fantano, whatever the hell that was. Forever.

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