Living In Frames - "Closer"

With a deep, dense, spacey, almost gritty aura to it, Brazilian electronic duo Living in Frames‘ song “Closer” certainly doesn’t slouch on delving into the darker side of what many folks may immediately lump into the category of EDM. There’s heavy, obvious elements of both dubstep and drum and bass, as well as a fair amount of spacey voice manipulation, atmospheric instruments and an overall sense of strategic musical uncertainty that seeps and drips throughout “Closer,” making for a listen that leans towards the neurotic. Yet the track still revels in and embraces its own scant but deeply-layered makeup. Heilo de Matos and Luis Antonio Muniz, though they’ve only been together for a year, seem to be getting closer to the specific sound they want to convey in their music, and “Closer,” though it could maybe have been a bit more defined, is still proof of that.

“Closer” appears on the twosome’s upcoming EP Outer. Listen to the track above and download it for free if you so please. Happy listening!

– Ron Grant

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