the end

  • 2014

    Billy Woods hops on some L’Orange production with this new track titled “The End.” The video is pretty eerie as well, featuring a series of bright-eyed shadows following Billy through a nocturnal concrete jungle. I love the way the instrumental here switches up tempo and groove no numerous occasions.

  • dance

    Here’s a track from the Lemâitre EP that’s set to come out tomorrow, Relativity I. These guys are are Norwegian electronic pop duo that satisfied both sides of my brain with this tune, “The End.” One side of my brain is like this right now: “Oh, the piano

  • MP3 For me, the word “Hull” conjures up images of Herman Melville’s 1956 epic film Moby Dick, and the wayward ship, the Pequod. This imagery rings true when listening to the Brooklyn heavy quintet Hull. The band is coming off of their 2009 debut, Sole Lord with a vengeance