synth pop
Though clearly influenced by artists like the Knife, Portishead, and Björk, iamamiwhoami manages to pull together some very captivating and eccentric synth pop songs on her debut album. WATCH THE REVIEW
On its latest LP, Chromatics bring forth a tried and true style, bringing reverb-soaked vocals, post-punk guitars, synths, and drum machines together for a bedroom pop opus that lasts 90 minutes. WATCH THE REVIEW
The latest Magnetic Fields album sees the band returning to form a bit with the incorporation of synthesizers, but it just doesn’t feel like the old days, to me. WATCH THE REVIEW
Georgia duo I Come To Shanghai has released a song from their upcoming album Eternal Life Volume 2, which is set for release this month. The track has a really dreamy presentation, and it’s layered with sliding guitars and airy synthesizers. The vocals contribute to this feeling using harmonies
On the third album to come from the Canadian synth pop project Grimes, the songs feel a little undercooked–however, I will this this project has a nice, clear sound and style. WATCH THE REVIEW
For the past few years, the 80s have been a carcass the indiesphere is desperately picking over like a group of starving buzzards. However, that doesn’t mean these more nostalgic releases don’t have their bright spots. So, here’s a track from the forthcoming Choir of Young Believers
MP3 Baltimore-based Wham City! affiliates Future Islands can be a kind of polarizing band. When I saw them live opening for Titus Andronicus and Okkervil River back in June, I was expecting something very much unlike what I heard. Listening to them in that setting, I was simultaneously put off
In the new video for Toro y Moi’s Underneath The Pine cut “How I Know,” three friends explore a haunted house late at night. Over the course of the next three minutes, they all die spectacular deaths. One suffocates on bubble gum, one gets electrocuted by spaghetti, and one
Yalls by Yalls Oakland-based producer-singer Yalls makes quirky synth pop music that sounds close to what Baths would be if he spent more time listening to old funk records. Yalls’ new, MJ MJ-released album is nineteen tracks of manipulated, cartoonified vocals dancing over squawky bass and funky synths. The album’
From the forthcoming M83 album, Hurry Up, We’re Dreaming, the track “Midnight City” is a super-sized pop song with synthetic mountains majesty. It’s structured simply, but that doesn’t stop the sounds and energy on this thing from becoming overwhelming. So overwhelming, that dancing must occur. Dance. Please.