
  • 2017

    Chromatics were featured in last week’s premiere of the new Twin Peaks series, and their soothing dream pop sound was just what viewers needed after two hours of Lynchian horror. Here’s the song they played as the credits rolled; it’s set to appear on the soundtrack Twin

  • Improving on the project’s debut in 2010, Gemini, Jack Tatum’s Wild Nothing presents a group of dreamy, well-written, and catchy songs on its sophomore release. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    On August 28th, Wild Nothing will be releasing its latest album, Nocturne, on Captured tracks. While the band can certainly be lumped in with many others chasing after a dreamy pop rock sound, these guys certainly set themselves apart with their memorable songwriting and distinctive hooks and verses. I’m

  • I’m an ambitious guy who doesn’t know when to say “no more pudding, please.” As a result, there’s a lot on my plate, and I let some artists slip through the cracks every once in a while. However, I’m not gonna let that happen with this