Anna von Hausswolff flexes her skills and imagination as an organist on All Thoughts Fly.
Savage Mode II is a rare instance of the sequel being WAY better than the original.
There is undeniably a lot of talent between the members of Spillage Village, but it often doesn’t manifest as memorable songwriting or topical focus on Spilligion.
Lacking the aha moments of Neil’s previous mashups, Mouth Dreams smacks of garden variety SoundClownery.
Though generally not lacking in beauty or scale, The Ascension has a handful of somewhat grating moments that make it harder to love as a holistic experience.
At its worst, Ohms is some of the most aggravating music Deftones has ever recorded. At its best, it’s the band painting-by-numbers.
Ultra Mono is Idles’ most sonically and thematically focused album so far, occasionally to a slight fault.
Nectar offers Joji’s highest highlights to date, though all in all it could’ve benefited from some more editing.
While Shore finds Fleet Foxes stumbling on a few risks, the album mostly serves to streamline the band’s sound and remind us what made them so special in the first place.