pop rap
When Special isn’t coming across like a motivational poster it’s pretty good.
Jack could maybe be trying harder.
LLF follows up on none of the potential of Roddy’s debut.
Montero‘s catchiness and candor is unmatched by a great deal of modern pop.
You have to trudge through a lot of middling pop rap to reach USEE4YOURSELF‘s pockets of emotional potency.
For better or worse, All Over the Place lives up to its title.
The downside of LYWW3 being an EP is its more sensitive spots not having much room to breathe.
Outside of its strong first leg and closing lead single, Planet Her lacks as a showcase for Doja Cat’s personality.
When you inevitably hear Khaled Khaled at the barbershop or blaring from a passing car, some of it won’t be so bad.