
  • 2012

    Everything Everything absolutely oozes personality on this track way back from August 2012. This is a song worth going back to, it begins with a very unique vocal build up that develops into some truly great harmonies. Not only are the harmonies great, but the lead vocalist it perfectly eccentric

  • bandcamp

    Recomposition by La Bella La Bella is a California based hardcore band that has put together 7 enthralling tracks filled with emotion and original progressions. The most common issue that I have always had with the hardcore genre is the general lack of creativity that seems to be put it

  • 2012

    “Love Ave” comes from the latest collection of songs from French electronic music producer Para One. The title: Passion. The tracks on this thing range from bright and bouncy electro house to smooth, synthetic future funk that I’m sure Dam-Funk fans get into pretty easily. “Love Ave” is the