On the 105th day of the Young Thug trial, attorney John Melnick, representing witness Kenneth 'Woody' Copeland, testified about alleged misrepresentations by the prosecution to the judge.
Melnick presented documentation indicating he was acting per Woody's wishes and had informed the District Attorney's office of his representation. His testimony covered an ex parte meeting and the prosecution's handling of Woody's immunity and communication with him. These proceedings have raised speculation about a potential mistrial.
Additionally, today August 5, former President Donald Trump was a guest on the Adin Ross Kick livestream. During his time with Ross, Trump brought up Young Thug and claimed he has been 'very unfairly'.
Donald Trump speaks on Young Thug's RICO case
— Kurrco (@Kurrco) August 5, 2024
"He's gotta be treated fairly" pic.twitter.com/hKjA9HAL2s
Twitter/X account @ThuggerDaily, who has been extensively covering the trial, live tweeted many of the key points from today's examination, which include videos. See the embedded clips along with updates below.
Young Thug Trial: Day 105
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Mr. Melnick, lawyer for Woody, is here to testify about the prosecutors lying to the Judge. pic.twitter.com/zXYMSo2JkG
Melnick says the DA's office definitely knew he represented Woody, and he had conversations specifically with Ms. Love about representing Woody as a witness in this trial.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
He says he made it very clear, and never indicated otherwise at any point. pic.twitter.com/vT2ZO7cVsI
Lol Ms. Love objects to a "compound" question
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Judge: "We're dealing with a bunch of lawyers, I think Melnick can handle that. Overruled" pic.twitter.com/6riyk2SVlG
Schardt now questioning Melnick about their contact with each other.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Ms. Love being cooked on these objections π€£π€£
Judge: "I would hope EVERY lawyer would be qualified to speak about what we're expected to do under the code of ethics" pic.twitter.com/yTITEzJKYn
Melnick: "I'm not going to talk about anything that I said to Mr. Copeland. Period."
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Response to Love trying to get into privileged conversations pic.twitter.com/3jrZ3pSI42
Judge: "My point in all this was just so that Mr. Melnick could feel like he cleared his name"
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
10 minute break, then moving to "the next part" which is, what Steel alleges, "omitted parts of the transcript" pic.twitter.com/t9Kz52hwAa
Doug Weinstein proffers that Ms. Bumpus indicated directly to him that conversations between Woody/Hylton/Bumpus happened off-the-record, that Woody gave information about the Nut murder, and that there was potential Brady material.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Judge wants to hear from Bumpus. pic.twitter.com/HGcs02qGBZ
Doug Weinstein proffers that Ms. Bumpus indicated directly to him that conversations between Woody/Hylton/Bumpus happened off-the-record, that Woody gave information about the Nut murder, and that there was potential Brady material.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Judge wants to hear from Bumpus. pic.twitter.com/HGcs02qGBZ
Bumpus confirms some of the aspects from the Steel/Weinstein affadavits that were missing from the transcript.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Hylton tells Woody that they KNOW he didn't kill Nut, and she wouldn't let him say it on the stand & wouldn't go after Woody for perjury unless he says he killed Nut. pic.twitter.com/ep3EVC6NNV
Bumpus confirms some of the aspects from the Steel/Weinstein affadavits that were missing from the transcript.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Hylton tells Woody that they KNOW he didn't kill Nut, and she wouldn't let him say it on the stand & wouldn't go after Woody for perjury unless he says he killed Nut. pic.twitter.com/ep3EVC6NNV
To me, when Woody said off the record he had more info about the infiniti and it had something to do with someone that isn't on this case, is the only significant development from the off-the-record convo.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Let me know if I'm missing something. pic.twitter.com/n4iCOAqkHL
Back from Lunch. Ms Love has put Investigator Long on the stand , who was also a witness in the ex parte meeting. pic.twitter.com/mq9GtcMovd
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
Lawyers are now making their arguments now for what all of what happened today actually means for the case.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
a LOT of great argument from Schardt and Steel for sanctions on the state.
— THUGGERDAILY γ² (@ThuggerDaily) August 5, 2024
The Judge says she is definitely considering the issue of Brady violations and reconsidering the issue DISQUALIFYING the prosecutors⦠pic.twitter.com/hY60FP1bCE
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