Jeff Buckley's house turned into "tribute" Airbnb

Jeff Buckley's house turned into "tribute" Airbnb

The late, legendary singer-songwriter Jeff Buckley's home in Memphis is being turned into a "tribute" Airbnb, and should be ready to rent by Thanksgiving. According to Commercial Appeal, real estate agent and longtime concert booker David Lorrison is working with developer Eric Goode to set this historical house with repairs and restorations at 93 N. Rembert for occupancy.

“I want this to be in homage to him, but not like a hipster’s Graceland,” said Lorrison.

“Nobody in Memphis was paying attention to the house, but when you look online, you see people are coming here from all over. They drive for miles to make videos of the house and trace Jeff’s steps in Memphis,” said Lorrison. Lorrison stated that Buckley's home had been unoccupied for around a year, and was left without housing utilities, like gas, water and electricity.

It seems that Lorrison has also made more comments about the house on, and elaborated on why he and Goode have decided to turn the late Buckley's house into an Airbnb. An account with his name posted this message in the comment section, elaborating that the house came close to being destroyed before Goode Development purchased it for $143,800 in March:

The house is around 900-square-feet. This is a photo of what Buckley's house looks like from the outside:

Jeff Buckley's House
Chris Day / The Commercial Appeal

Buckley was a renowned singer-songwriter, most known for his classic 1994 album Grace. The album also just had its 30th anniversary. Some of the most well known songs from the album are "Hallelujah", a Leonard Cohen cover, and "Lover, You Should've Come Over". Buckley tragically died on May 29th, 1997 from an accidental drowning.

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