Jaco Jaco reveals new album 'Gremlin', shares leading single "Woman"
Autumn Kidd

Jaco Jaco reveals new album 'Gremlin', shares leading single "Woman"

Wade Stokan

Jaco Jaco is Jacob Theriot, Philadelphia-based musician, visual artist, and former member of the indie rock trio Sports. The artist has announced his latest record Gremlin will drop March 21 and has also dropped the leading single titled "Woman." The new single straddles the line of funk and psychedelia while also giving a proper throwback to 70s AM rock.

Check out the visualizer for "Woman" below:

Gremlin is the follow up album to Theriot's 2o24 debut album Splat. While the album isn't directly inspired by the movie Gremlins, it does honor the movie's use of kitsch and camp to explore a prevailing mood of irreverence and introspection.

Many of the artist's vocal and sonic qualities translate to this new record as well - smooth fuzzy vocals and psychedelic guitars adorn the new single and create an atmosphere that is tough to describe. “Woman” is anchored by slick, wet bass, bright guitars, and light distortion. The lyrics are abstract, but behind that abstraction, there’s something deeper: an exploration of the complexities and nuances of relationships. It is a meditation on honesty and acceptance, being real with yourself, and being real with your partner.

When recounting how the song came to be, Theriot said:

"'Woman’ was one of those rare, serendipitous type songs that just kinda happened. Everything fell into place pretty quick, lyrics and all. I played guitar along to some random breakbeat and out came the guitar riff(s). I was big into Black Messiah (D’Angelo) at the time, so that influence may have seeped in a bit, maybe? No comparison though, of course. I just wanna be like Pino Palladino when I grow up.”

The artist claims that Gremlin is about something much deeper than it appears:

“It’s a journey through reflection and longing for something real—an inner dialogue giving me advice on navigating life when it feels like it’s working against you.”

Theriot wanted Gremlin to be a visual marvel showcasing what inspired him aesthetically - the 90s sitcom "Dinosaurs", Les Blank documentaries, and the world of alternative comic books. Theriot is thoroughly enthralled by the extremes of both “absurd cartoons and animatronic puppets,” lending even more of the prevailing feeling of playfulness throughout the artwork.

“It’s written in the third person,” Theriot says, “but really it’s in the first person. It’s a form of therapy. It’s like journaling.”

Check out the other single "Favorite Kind Of People" below:

Gremlin Tracklist:

  1. What’s It Like in the Sunshine
  2. Woman
  3. Favorite Kind Of People
  4. I Won’t Bother
  5. Power
  6. Family Trends
  7. Gremlin World

Wade Stokan


Lover of music, video games and juggling.

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