Ah, Fyre Fest. The much-maligned, fradulent failure of a festival that went down back in 2017. Hot off the heels of news that the sequel "does not exist" according to a local tourist board, the sequel has booked its first performer: musician and onetime NFL player Antonio Brown.
Brown confirmed his role in Fyre Fest 2, which will allegedly take place from May 30 to June 2 in Mexico, on Isla Mujeres. "This is AB and I'll be performing at Fyre Fest part 2 in Mexico on May 30. Be there or be square," the rapper, who goes by the stage name AB, declared in a video.
"Make sure you put that shit on," he added, referencing his 2022 hit single.
Con man and part-time festival organizer Billy McFarland got out of jail in 2022 after being arrested for fraud following Fyre 1. As of this writing, AB is the only confirmed act in the lineup, while Isla Mijeres tourism board says they know nothing about it. Stay tuned to see if the second Fyre Festival will actually happen, much less offer the "boundary-pushing excursions" promised.
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