Fievel Is Glauque share whimsical new single "Love Weapon"
Joey Agresta

Fievel Is Glauque share whimsical new single "Love Weapon"

Jazz-pop collective Fievel Is Glauque have revealed "Love Weapon", another cut from their new album Rong Weicknes, which arrives via Fat Possum on October 25th.

"Love Weapon" once again brandishes Fievel's sweet abundance of flourishes and flavors, sounding a bit like a bubbly love affair between Steely Dan and Julia Holter. Listen and watch the whimsical video below, which finds singer Ma Clément amusing herself at a shopping mall:

Zach Phillips reveals “Love Weapon” is actually quite an old song, now reworked and updated into a newly evolved form.

Songs can do more than "express." They can divine, probe, find what's not searched for. I wrote "Love Weapon" with Sarah Smith for our band Blanche Blanche Blanche in early 2011. It's my favorite recording on the album, and the one where the collage-editing of the live-in-triplicate recording approach sings the loudest. Blanche Blanche Blanche never really got our due, in large part because we didn't want to. Does Fievel want to? No decision rendered, we seem to just bracket the question and keep working, building that uncertainty into the material. "How much love is enough now?"

Vocalist Ma Clément adds:

If an original language — one that our bodies know and that we can all understand not intellectually but physically — exists, the lyrics of Love Weapon are written in that language. We played the song in another Fievel band 5 years ago, those recordings hidden among many others. It reappeared in summer 2023, in the same way that I recently found by lucky accident an old photograph between the pages of the book I'm reading.

Rong Weicknes explores the octet's recording methods with delightfully haphazard 'what if?'-disposition. Recording with the band at a farm upstate New York called The Outlier, the idea was to try Phillips's aforementioned self-coined “live in triplicate”-approach. First do one take as a foundation, then another second not-quite-overdubbed take on top of it, and then finally, a more improvisational bizarro take of the song, letting all the weird left turns and melodic variations fester inside. Kind of like doing Xerox art, only with full band recordings.

Preorder Rong Weicknes here. Check out Fievel Is Glauque's previous single "As Above So Below", well, below.

Jasper Willems

Rotterdam, The Netherlands

Music is rad, end of story.

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