The reclusive Peter Murphy, of Bauhaus fame, is planning a new solo album to be released May 9th, entitled Silver Shade. A new single, featuring some low end from none other than Tool's Justin Chancellor, is out now: "The Artroom Wonder."
Murphy recounted the inspiration of the song in a press release. "Daniel Ash [fellow Bauhaus band member] and I are listening tot he mysterious sixth-year cool intelligentsia that have gathered in the artroom. We have dared to enter their conclave, and the music coming from it was intriguing. We discover that the song being played is [David Bowie's] 'The Bewlay Brothers.'"
Murphy describes the song itself as having "a surreal approach, telling the story in [his] typically oblique style."
Silver Shade, produced by Youth of Killing Joke, also features appearances from Trent Reznor ("Swoon") and Boy George ("Let the Flowers Grow"). You can listen to "The Artroom Wonder" below and pre-order the album here.
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