music video

  • Perfume Genius releases a new video promoting the release of the project’s latest album, Put Your Back N 2 It, which will be out via Matador on February 21st. The video was directed by Winston H. Case, and, strangely enough, features Hungarian pornography star Arpad Miklos. The song itself

  • A video pushing a track from the new Cloud Nothings album, Attack On Memory. Directed by Ryan Manning and shot by cinematographer Caleb Crossen, here’s a video for the Cloud Nothings track “No Future / No Past.” Featuring a middle-aged man floating away for reasons that are out of his

  • A video for one of my favorite tracks from A$AP Rocky’s latest mixtape, LiveLoveA$AP, and it’s obvious the production value has definitely been upped since A$AP’s earlier videos. The visuals here pretty much embrace every hip hop video cliche one could imagine, but they’

  • I remember blogging about this track when it first dropped, but now we’ve got a new music video paired with it. Plus, I wanna remind you A Place To Bury Strangers has a new EP, Onwards To the Wall, dropping in February on Dead Oceans! Were these pictures taken

  • A new video from the band Nerves Junior, which was directed by my buddy Zach at We Listen For You. I’ve always known Zach to do good work, but he’s really surprised me this time around with a pretty odd and unnerving set of circumstances involving a light

  • For some reason, I just have a soft spot for post-punk with female vocals. Maybe it’s because the Slits’ Cut is one of my all-time favorite records. I’m not sure. The reason I’m mentioning this is sometimes I have to kinda stop myself from being a fan

  • album

    Some twisted and eerie visuals coming through on this new music video for Colin Stetson’s “Those Who Didn’t Run,” which is a track from an EP that definitely would have made it into my top-15 EPs of 2011 if I had decided to extend the list out a

  • indie

    A new Handsome Furs video for the song “Serve the People,” which is off their latest synth-heavy album released earlier this year Sound Kapital. This is a side-project turned main-project for Dan Boeckner from Wolf Parade and his wife Alexei Perry. It is also the first Handsome Furs album released

  • all day

    It’s funny how a song from last year can feel like a blast from my past, but I guess that’s the nature of things. Whatever. Anyway, this track you’re hearing in this video comes from Girl Talk’s last album, All Day. I reviewed it over here.

  • hip hop

    A music video for a track from New York rapper Mr. Muthafuckin’ eXquire. He’s got a new tape out titled Lost In Translation, which I reviewed with the guys over at Dead End Hip Hop. /via/