
  • 2012

    Illusory by Absvrdist Absvrdist angrily combines elements of black metal and grindcore. They throw a few thrashy, pit-friendly riffs into the mix as well. Surprisingly, the extremely intense layers of distorted guitars, raw drums, and gruesome vocals on this new album of theirs, Illusory, are created by just two people.

  • 2012

    On their debut full-length, extreme music supergroup Murder Construct releases what will probably be my favorite grindcore album of 2012. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • California death metal outfit the Faceless move in a slightly softer direction on their their album, including plenty of melodic guitar passages and cleanly sung vocals. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    Southern California’s Xibalba drags listeners down to the “place of fear” the band’s name references, combining the heaviness of doom and sludge with the aggression of hardcore punk and even metalcore. Sunn O)))’s Greg Anderson shows up on a few tracks, too. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    High On Fire drops from new visuals for their new track “Fertile Green,” which comes off the band’s latest LP, De Vermis Mysteriis. Check a review of it here.

  • 2012

    Rocking the Night Away by WITCH CROSS Here’s a bit of heavy metal from a rock band time forgot: Witch Cross. The Danish group didn’t have a lot of releases in their heyday, but what they did put out was pretty tight, anthemic, and catchy. The label Hell’

  • 2012

    Reverence To Stone by Samothrace The 34 minutes the new Samothrace album lasts is spread across two tracks and what an epic two tracks it is. The band fleshes these tracks out with numerous stylistic alternations, switching from sludgy riff fests to feedback-laden and drone-y interludes. The band’s melodic

  • On Silencing Machine, Nachtmystium’s experiments with the sounds of black metal are subtle, but very effective. It’s mostly the band’s great songwriting that carries this record. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • album

    Torche drops some entertaining visuals for one of the best tracks from the Florida band’s latest album, Harmonicraft. The video here takes a humorous approach toward depicting a game of America’s greatest pastime: Kickball. There’s love, triumph, matching outfits, and concussion-induced hallucinations. This video’s got everything!

  • Swiss sludge metal outfit Zatokrev has a new album on the way titled the Bat, the Wheel and a Long Road to Nowhere, which is slated for a release later this year on Candlelight Records. When it comes to the heavy, crushing sounds of sludge metal, Zatokrev definitely meets the