loud rock
Otoboke Beaver cranks up the rage and intensity on SUPER CHAMPON without losing any of their original appeal. SUPER CHAMPON スーパーチャンポン by Otoboke Beaver おとぼけビ~バ~
If you’re looking for a straightforward—sometimes even catchy—old school death metal album, Undeath’s got you covered. It's Time…To Rise From the Grave by Undeath
Vein pulls out all the stops on This World, but to somewhat mixed results.
On this self-titled album, Zeal and Ardor don’t define their sound so much as water it down.
Ustalost delivers black metal thrills with an oddly nostalgic atmosphere on this latest album.
Krallice’s most ambitious record since Years Past Matter.
Eternal Home is seriously impressive in its scope and eclecticism, almost overbearingly so in some pockets.