indie rock
Athens indie vets of Montreal return with their usual blend of verbose, difficult lyricism, and colorful psychedelic pop rock.
Boston rock outfit pile follows up their most popular record yet with a series of songs that sound somewhat unfocused and incoherently aggressive. Still the same band at their core, but they’re currently working with a slightly unflattering sound.
Former Bomb the Music Industry! frontman Jeff Rosenstock releases an explosive and smart solo effort, pulling from pop punk and existential crises for inspiration.
NJ indie rock outfit Screaming Females is celebrating their 10th year as a band, and they’re celebrating with one of their more accessible, catchy records to date.
On their debut album, indie pop outfit Adventures might lack a distinct sound, but their songwriting is incredibly sharp.
After a couple reputable albums of the post-hardcore persuasion, Title Fight decides to shoot for a dreamier, hazier, more apathetic sound.
Sleater-Kinney is back with a new record after ten years of studio album silence.
Viet Cong picks up the pieces left in the demise of Women, and pulls together some great–but very similar–material on their self-titled release here.
- Modest Mouse’s new album, Strangers to Ourselves, its first in eight years, is well on the way. Recently they released this joint, a happy-go-lucky and uninhibited song that puts the indie rock group back in the music spotlight for the upcoming new
With tracks like “Surface Envy” being let loose on the public like an escaped zoo animal, I think it’s safe to say Sleater-Kinney‘s return from an almost 10-year hiatus has been an explosive one. While the wailing vocals and frantic guitar freakouts here aren’t the band’s