grown up

  • 2013

    Rapper Danny Brown returns with Old. It’s an album that mirrors the Detroit native’s constant cycle of drug-fueled partying and remorse that was introduced on 2011’s XXX. The major difference this time around being heavier instrumentals and Danny’s split personalities feeling even more at odds.

  • 2012

    A stellar music video for the single Detroit beast Danny Brown dropped back in March. The song itself comes off a bit serious, chronicling Brown’s younger days, but the video has fun with it by featuring this firecracker of a kid. He’s going crazy. He’s bringing the

  • A new track from one of Detroit’s dirtiest, nastiest, and rawest rappers, Danny Brown. Curated by Scion A/V, this track takes a break from what Danny usually delivers in his songs–you know, comparisons of genitalia with food (i.e. Jamba Juice, Cool Ranch Doritos), and depressing downward