A ton of work clearly went into producing this album, but it’s all so grossly gaudy.
An arguably more ambitious but tougher pill to swallow than Jane’s previous album. Census Designated by Jane Remover
Eternal Home is seriously impressive in its scope and eclecticism, almost overbearingly so in some pockets.
Keith didn’t have to go this hard.
Arca has formed an impressive body of work with the KICK series.
Oxidized might just be 2021’s most vicious sonic beating, and your mileage will most certainly vary based on that.
Injury Reserve pulled something of a masterpiece from a truly hellish year.
Black Dresses go harder than ever before on their first post-disbandment album.
Liturgy’s latest is a metaphysical big bang, turning Ravenna Hunt-Hendrix’s theological philosophy into a multifaceted experimental metal opera.