
  • On its latest album, Zombi throws guitars and bass to the wayside, and brings the focus back to the duo’s foundation: drums and synths. It might just be the direction longtime fans wanted after the extremely rock-oriented Spirit Animal. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • ask for

    A new video from CHLLNGR, coming from the full-length album Haven. The music on this LP is pretty fitting for the night shots found throughout this video. Everything from the drums to looped vocals breeze into the mix lightly, and for what reason I’m not sure. It is night,

  • If you watch my reviews on the reg, you know how I feel about Cults. So, imagine my hesitation when I saw that my new favorite beatmeister remixed one of their songs. Well, truth be told, 1-Minute Miracles performed like a plastic surgeon of the sonic persuasion on this one,

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    MP3 Hot of the release of two EPs in the past year, L.A.’s Superhumanoids have a new 7″ record out on White Iris. “Mikelah” is a slow-burning electronic jam with a hazy melody capturing that current mid-summer feel. The distant male vocals of the verse’s are counterbalanced

  • On Sam Baker’s Album, Samiyam pulls together some pretty great grooves and sounds. My problem is not much of it moves or develops into anything interesting. This release is more like a sampler of various atmospheres this L.A. producer can create, and that’s fine. Maybe it’ll

  • Valentin Stip’s debut EP, which is out now via World and Sound, is a small look into the head of this French-born electronic music producer. Many of the sounds and timbres here sound very tangible and acoustic, but the emotions are cold and nearly lifeless–I mean that in

  • dub

    Love Hitch by Young Circles Earlier this year, Young Circles’ EP Bones delivered five fuzzed-out and well-crafted noise-pop melodies with rich and orchestrated textures. On the forthcoming debut, Jungle Habits, the trio has sewn together eleven new tracks, highlighted by the dangerous single, “Love Hitch.” The band’s direction, maturation,

  • beats

    If you watch my YouTube channel often, you know post-hardcore isn’t exactly one of the genre’s I cover. However, it’s not for a lack of love of this style. The thing is my heart lies in the slightly distant past. Not with the La Disputes and Poison

  • dubstep

    New video from SBTRKT for the track “Wildfire,” which features Little Dragon vocalist Yukimi Nagano. I reviewed the album a few days ago right here. Look for this LP now on Young Turks.

  • We’ve been blogging about it, well, basically everybody has: The new Washed Out album Within and Without. The entire LP is up for streaming right now via NPR, so click right here to hear it. Look for this album via Sub Pop on July 12th, and stay awesome.