
  • dublin

    You should know about Girl Band – they’re a noisy-as-all-get-out post-punk outfit hailing from Dublin. They have a new video out for their latest single, “Lawman,” which at over six minutes, shows off the band’s prowess in working with repetitive grooves. The video is appropriately dank, shot in B&

  • crowns

    Stream: Ginnels- Crowns Stream an entire album of fun, light-hearted, and endearing jangle pop rock from Ireland’s Ginnels. It all comes from the band’s latest album, Crowns, which is twenty freakin’ tracks long; however, the band defends their decision with a lot of variety among the tracks. There

  • dublin

    I can’t remember how exactly I heard of him, but I’ve been following New Jersey rapper GDP on SoundCloud for about a month or so now. He’s seriously growing on me, and it’s hard to figure out why. The dude is highly lyrical and clever. Even