
  • ambient

    https://soundcloud.com/vladislavdelay/visa-medley This week Finnish experimental electronica extraordinaire Sasu Ripatti (a.k.a. Vladislav Delay) dropped a new full-length album called Visa. On this new project, you will not find the rich dub influence of previous two LPs Vantaa and Kuopio; rather, Delay appears to be attempting

  • album

    Kijinoise by Kijinoise Here’s something that caught my ears while wading through Bandcamp earlier today. Kijinoise is a Chinese musician who has been uploading projects quite prolifically since late last month, using solely a guitar to deliver a fuzzy fusion of drone, noise, progressive rock, doom, and free improvisational

  • 2014

    Festival Of The Dead by CUT HANDS As is the case with most African rhythmic music, it usually serves some sort of spiritual purpose, the ritualistic quality of many different beats and melodies designed to inspire, enlighten and heal–such as the one-two rhythm of the Rastafarians, mimicking the heartbeat,

  • 12"

    https://soundcloud.com/rune-grammofon/supersilent-121 On its 12th album, Norway’s eminent free improvisational outfit Supersilent is still managing to turn out some pretty evocative and extraordinary music. Having dabbled in avant-garde jazz, EAI, noise, and experimental rock throughout its career, the trio now finds itself in a decidedly dark

  • album

    https://soundcloud.com/dancing-wayang-records/alps-extract This one’s a doozy! Percussive madmen Oren Ambarchi and Eli Keszler have teamed up for a compulsive cacophony of drums and guitar called Alps. Comprised of two sprawling and free-form pieces, the collaboration is a thick amalgam of free improvisation, drone, and noise rock

  • ambient

    Wir Essen Seelen In Der Nacht by Gnaw Their Tongues On November 1, Dutch black metal outfit Gnaw Their Tongues will put out a new full-length titled Night of Consecration. In the meantime, they’ve thrown this EP of four experimental pieces up on their Bandcamp. It’s a really

  • drone

    https://soundcloud.com/parquet-courts/fell-into-the-wrong-crowd Can’t say I was expecting this: an 11-minute collaborative live recording from PC Worship and the New York post-punks over at Parquet Courts. Isn’t it “Parkay Quarts” now? Who knows? I certainly don’t know if the song at all works, especially with

  • While Sunn o))) and Scott Walker make the effort to accommodate one another on this new collaborative album, the chemistry isn’t as explosive as I had hoped.

  • album

    https://soundcloud.com/lescalleet/kevin-drumm-jason-lescalleet-the-echo-of-your-past-excerpt OK, I want to give a quick shout-out to this latest collaboration between seasoned electro-acoustic/drone/avant-garde/whatever artists Kevin Drumm and Jason Lescalleet – with The Abyss, they have turned out what is without question one of the darkest, most abject musical works I’ve

  • Wolves In the Throne Room come through with an electronic and ambient change of pace on this new record of theirs.