
  • On his second full-length album as How To Dress Well, singer and producer Tom Krell shows some stellar improvements in his production techniques, delivering a set of much clearer songs that sound almost heavenly. If you’re down for some adventurous, R&B-influenced dream pop, try it out. WATCH

  • On their sophomore effort, London dream pop outfit the xx drum up more of the skeletal, emotive style their first album delivered. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • Improving on the project’s debut in 2010, Gemini, Jack Tatum’s Wild Nothing presents a group of dreamy, well-written, and catchy songs on its sophomore release. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • ambient

    Right not there’s a recurring trend in beat production that involves employing loads of amtmospheric effects, delicate samples, and moody melodies and chord progressions. Dude’s like Clams Casino are certainly at the forefront of this up-and-coming style, and thanks to Tri Angle Records, music like this kinda has

  • A video has been released for the Jahill song, “Perfect Ten.” The visuals right from the beginning are pretty gross as members of a “Distinguished Citizens Club” combine various foods and liquids like a child would. They rub it all over their faces and with some excellent camerawork actually manage

  • 2012

    On August 28th, Wild Nothing will be releasing its latest album, Nocturne, on Captured tracks. While the band can certainly be lumped in with many others chasing after a dreamy pop rock sound, these guys certainly set themselves apart with their memorable songwriting and distinctive hooks and verses. I’m

  • 2012

    No Joy is an alternative rock and shoegaze outfit hailing from Montreal. “Junior” has a steady groove that continuously builds in intensity throughout without losing any momentum. The song is sung very softly and is very dreamlike in nature, this in combination with the rock styled jam the two play

  • album

    Stream: Beach House- Bloom Baltimore dream pop duo Beach House is set to release its latest album, Bloom, on Sub Pop Records next week, but the entire album is now streaming for your listening pleasure on NPR Music. As you may remember, Beach House’s last album, Teen Dream, was

  • To be frank, Lotus Plaza frontman Lockett Pundt sounds like he’s put together an assembly of Deerhunter tracks under the Lotus Plaza name on this album. While this doesn’t seem like a bad thing for hardcore fans, it left me a little underwhelmed–mostly because Lotus Plaza presents

  • dream

    [audio:http://assets3.subpop.com/assets/audio/11398.mp3] Josh Tillman, formerly of Fleet Foxes, has released a single from his new project, Father John Misty. There are definite elements of his work with Fleet Foxes here, but it veers in a different direction. The song is instrumentally simple, employing