death grips

  • Death Grips’ first mixtape is a grim look at mankind’s worst personality traits:: greed, addiction, anger. And the beats are just as offensive as the screamed rap vocals–which only helps get the point across. It’s an energetic record. It’s an intense record. Sometimes it’s over

  • I’ve blogged about this project again and again. And honestly, I’m still not 100% sure how I feel about it. The aggression of Death Grips is attempted by many, but only achieved by a few. Clearly, the primary influence in this project is hip hop music, but it’

  • MP3 In preparation for its forthcoming album, Ex Military, Death Grips has released another track and music video–though this music video isn’t made of original footage like the last one was. Unlike previous tracks to be released from this anonymous effort, this track is actually performed at a

  • I’ve been getting a lot of e-mails pointing my ears toward Death Grips. There’s talk around the blog-o-sphere about who is involved with this project and how. Names like Zach Hill keep coming up, too, which doesn’t surprise me since some of the production moves on this