black metal

  • 2013

    With the release of this new Behemoth song comes the announcement of the Polish black metal band’s next record, The Satanist. The album is currently looking at a February 3rd release date on Nuclear Blast, and the track that’s just been dropped has a symphonic quality to it.

  • Dallas metal duo Cara Neir has a slightly unorthodox combination of influences backed up with a hard-hitting sound. Sadly, their melody and riff writing could be a bit more adventurous.

  • 2013

    Instrumental metal outfit Sannhet has a new, two-track EP out, which you can stream above and buy here. While not as atmospheric and thunderous as some of the tracks from the band’s Known Flood album earlier this year, I’m enjoying the anthemic melodies and purposeful drumming that flows

  • 2013

    While the third installment of Oranssi Pazuzu’s psychedelic approach to black metal isn’t bad, the band doesn’t venture into territory any more exciting than what they delivered on their debut album–even though some of the band’s longest material yet sits on this new LP.

  • After ten years of being a band, Kayo Dot releases what might be it’s gaudiest album. However, I can’t help but be enamored with the strong playing, ambitious concept, and impressive mix of influences most of the time.

  • Stream: Oranssi Pazuzu – “Vino Verso” Finnish black metal outfit Oranssi Pazuzu is known for incorporating elements of psychedelic and space rock into its music, resulting in a listening experience that is as colorful and vibrant as it is bonecrushing. This bold esthetic is in full-force on the opening track to

  • 2013

    The one-man Finnish metal project known as Dødkvlt has dropped a surprising new track, and I say “surprising,” because Dødkvlt’s music typically gives off a pretty strong black metal vibe. However, he seems to be embracing some of the tenants of death metal on “Of Dust and Bones.” It’

  • album

    Messe I.X-VI.X by Ulver Commissioned for Tromsø Kulturhus, Messe I.X-VI.X is an epic and eclectic collaboration between Norwegian black metal outfit Ulver, the Tromsø Chamber Orchestra, and the Arctic Opera and Philharmonic Orchestra. Give the whole piece a listen above!

  • 2013

    Take Over And Destroy’s new LP has a heavy sound, and takes an occult approach to black, sludge, and death metal that’s both seamless and hellish. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • album

    The feral wisdom by Wormlust Here is some particularly demented black metal hailing from Reykjavík, Iceland. With The Feral Wisdom, Wormlust has created a swirling barrage of epic, extreme compositions that was presumably conceived and recorded during the most intense peyote trip ever undergone by a group of Icelandic black