
  • ambient

    A new video from Shlohmo’s latest release, Bad Vibes. The song is “Just Us,” and it’s been given these visuals by director Arthur Chance. With a dark room and a load of televisions, I think he captured the vibe of this song perfectly. Check my review of Shlohmo’

  • BBNG by BADBADNOTGOOD I’ve talked his young, Canadian jazz trio up before on the blog. Hopefully, you know the deal with them by now. They’ve got a new release of jazz and hip hop fusions on their Bandcamp. It’s titled BBNG, and features a little Joy Division

  • Shlohmo’s Bad Vibes is a nice set of thirteen beats that will chill out just about any situation. The music here functions on different levels of listening. They’re great as ambient backdrops, but can be explored actively as well. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • A track from the new Shlohmo album, Bad Vibes, which is out now via Friends of Friends. The guy is a L.A. beatsmith who puts together the kind of lo-fi, glitchy hip hop instrumentals that I had almost given up on. Though none of the tracks on Bad Vibes

  • A recently dropped set of demos and early work from 1 Minute Miracles, which can only make the trajectory of this Canadian beatmeister more interesting. It’s titled Wild Stepss, and stream its eight tracks above. Find more recent work from this guy on his SoundCloud. Hopefully, that album he

  • beats

    Flying dropped two tracks via SoundCloud just 11 hours ago as I’m writing this post. I assume they’re new. It’s not like the songs’ respective “descriptions” leave us much to go on: “heave (n) mix2” description: “wevgouweowowweououyouw” “lullaby” description: “wegfwejjjkwjhhjhkjjh” Take those for what you will. As

  • If you watch my reviews on the reg, you know how I feel about Cults. So, imagine my hesitation when I saw that my new favorite beatmeister remixed one of their songs. Well, truth be told, 1-Minute Miracles performed like a plastic surgeon of the sonic persuasion on this one,

  • beats

    If you watch my YouTube channel often, you know post-hardcore isn’t exactly one of the genre’s I cover. However, it’s not for a lack of love of this style. The thing is my heart lies in the slightly distant past. Not with the La Disputes and Poison

  • If you’re a regular visitor of this website, chances are you know about this dude by now. In fact, I’ve posted about him so many times, I guess I should give him some kind of abbreviation or nickname. 1MM works, right? He’s a Canadian beat producer who’

  • Alien Tits by 1 Minute Miracles Cats by 1 Minute Miracles Last time we heard from 1-Minute Miracles was when the announcement was made that an album is now in the works. This Canadian beat producer has been churning out short instrumentals on his website for a few months now,