🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 Hellfire by black midi
Metric’s most solid album in a decade also packs a few surprises. Formentera by Metric
Everything that’s made V-Boys a special force in post-punk cranked up to 11.
Krallice continues expanding their sound on the speedily made Psychagogue. Psychagogue by Krallice
It could be cool to hear Dan and co. venture further into this dancier direction. LABYRINTHITIS by Destroyer
Artificial Brain’s self-titled record is the band’s most dynamic and hardest-hitting yet. Artificial Brain by ARTIFICIAL BRAIN
It’s rare that a comeback rocks this hard. The Loser by Gospel
The band’s AI-aided 6th album is their most conceptual project to date, as well as their best since Get to Heaven. Raw Data Feel by Everything Everything
Some of Florence’s best songs and performances yet.