
  • 2012

    This new David Byrne & St. Vincent collaboration is quite horny. Get it? WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    A track off the latest release from Clown and Sunset artist Acid Pauli. If you didn’t already know, Clown and Sunset is a music label spearheaded by sonic adventurer Nicolas Jaar. A lot like Flying Lotus’ Brainfeeder Records, Jaar has been using Clown and Sunset to surround himself in

  • With Centipede Hz, experimental music outfit Animal Collective is following its poppiest album, 2009’s Merriweather Post Pavilion, with one of its most hectic.

  • 2012

    By clicking play on the widget above, you won’t be listening to a song. Instead you’ll be listening to a sonic painting. The reason I make this distinction is because the music was not written simply to be a pleasantly arranged series of notes. Instead it is a

  • Swans return to their freaky, challenging, twisted selves on this new new album, the Seer. WATCH THE REVIEW

  • 2012

    I know singer-songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and producer John Frusciante’s last EP, Letur Lefr, was a bit strange, but I don’t think any track on that thing prepared me for this first track to drop from the guy’s forthcoming album, PBX Funicular Intaglio Zone. There’s acoustic drums here

  • art

    With the same colorful, schizophrenic personality that powered the last track I blogged about from Foxygen, “Waitin’ 4 U” evokes too many sounds to name. The funny part is they’re all revisited with this joyously sloppy performance that’s lovingly complimented with meticulously crafted pianos, synths, background vocals, and

  • album

    Legendary proto-punk, art rocker, and musical eccentric Patti Smith has a new album out this week titled Banga, which is actually somewhat of a nonsensical tribute to a fictional dog who waited 2000 years on the edge of Heaven for his master who had ventured in to speak with Jesus

  • art

    New video from tUne-yArDs featuring a bunch of kids acting like Merrill Garbus and dancing in what seems to be a warehouse set up like a modern art show. The production was made in collaboration with The San Fransico Rock Project, which is a non-profit organization that helps educate children

  • art

    A touch of electronic soul coming through on this new Gang Colours track, “Fancy Restaurant.” Though it’s not exactly dubstep, future garage, post-dubstep, or whatever you wanna call it, the vocals and chilly synths remind me quite a bit of James Blake. I suppose there’s something for Beach