album stream

  • 2014

    Stream: Matteah Baim – Falling Theater Pitchfork is premiering the new album by under-the-radar singer-songwriter Matteah Baim, Falling Theater. This is her third record, following her lovely debut Death of the Sun and Laughing Boy, both of which have gone criminally under-appreciated. Previously, Baim collaborated with CocoRosie’s Sierra Cassidy on

  • Stream: Man Man- Life Fantastic The Philly oddball rock band is dropping their fourth album on May 10th via Anti-, and you can stream the whole thing front to back right now. It seems everything is streaming today, dang! Click the link above or the cover below to hear it.

  • Stream: Robag Wruhme- Thora Vukk An album of minimal techno bangers and ambient interludes from Robag Wruhme, which is the alias of electronic music producer Gabor Schablitzki. This is his second full-length album under the Robag name: Thora Vukk. Look for it on Germany’s Pampa Records. Click on the