JEFF the Brotherhood- We Are the Champions

For a duo, JEFF the Brotherhood has an incredibly full and distorted sound. There’s a lot of kinetic energy flying between these two Nashville musicians on this new recording, We Are the Champions.

And if these guys are champions as anything, it’s bringing back the vocals and melodic power pop that powered Weezer’s self-titled debut. Oh, yeah, Pinkerton, too.

There are harder, faster moments on here that show’s the duo’s muscle, but that still doesn’t take away from the fact there’s some serious influence worshiping going on here. I guess it all depends on whether or not you’re in the market for it.

What did you think of this album? Love it? Hate it? Why? What should I review next, eh?

Review: JEFF the Brotherhood- We Are the Champions

Video: JEFF the Brotherhood- “Hey Friend”

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