Manchester Orchestra- Simple Math

On the band’s latest album, Manchester Orchestra seems to lose of a lot of the passion and rock ‘n’ roll momentum that have made their last two LPs pretty decent. They’ve exchanged this for some relatively heavier production and string arrangements. In my opinion, it wasn’t that great of a trade.
Though all of these arrangements lend Simple Math a finer, more dynamic feel, many of the songs here feel drowned out in their wish to cloak themselves in different sounds. Sometimes that sound is a booming guitar, and sometimes it’s a horn.

It’s nice to hear these guys incorporating more textures into their repertoire on this LP, but it’s at the sacrifice of some decent indie rock songwriting. “Deer” and “Pensacola” come off as two of the most earnest songs here. Much of what I’m listening to here feels too overblown for me to really enjoy thoroughly.

But, that’s just my opinion.



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