Amon Tobin- ISAM

On hit latest release, Amon Tobin isn’t building songs as much as he is sounds. The textures on most of this album are absolutely amazing, and among the best this Brazilian electronica producer has ever created.
I love how abstract, adventurous, and mind-bending the first two thirds of this album can be, but the mood takes an odd turn toward the finish line.

Tracks like “Kitty Cat” and “Bedroom Stories” represent a lighter, cuter side to this release that doesn’t necessarily agree with me. Not only did I not see the album going in this direction, but it’s not necessarily a place I wanted to go.

There is a creepy, eerie momentum to the last third of this LP, but it definitely doesn’t measure up to my love of the massive sounds located at the start of ISAM.

Still, the last portion of this album isn’t terrible. Maybe it just seems out of place. Tobin does make efforts to guide one section of this album into the other with some lighter interludes in the middle of this LP, but the final songs here are still kinda lost on me.


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