Timber Timbre- Creep On Creepin' On

Timber Timbre’s latest album is a scarily obsessive look at one man’s post-relationship trauma. The infatuation in the lyrics here runs deep, and it’s tempting to hear the record from beginning to end just to see how bad the train wreck gets.
Not that lyrics and some mild psychosis are all this album has going for it. There are plenty of fantastic arrangements, which were created with the aid of Mathieu Charbonneau. Colin Stetson lays some great horn parts down, and Mark Lawson helped take the Timber’s production up another level.

The music–outside of the instrumentals–lives in a world were doo wop and rockabilly reign supreme. And it puts an innocent backdrop behind the insane musings of this character painted in the words.

It’s a shadowy standout in the world of lovesick albums.


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