The Vaccines- What Did You Expect From the Vaccines?

The Vaccines don’t have the most original of styles or tunes, but they know a catchy hook when they hear one. What Did You Expect From the Vaccines? is a record that functions on those basic principles of a catchy rock album: energy, straightforwardness, volume.
With influences ranging from the Ramones to the Jesus & Mary Chain, there’s definitely some ear-shattering guitar reverb on a few of these tracks, but the Vaccines rely on simplicity more than they do guts. A few tracks do stand out a being exceptionally rowdy, but there are plenty of moments where this album lowers the heat to a simmer. To me, the slower moments aren’t as captivating as the fast, but it’s nice the band added more than one dimension to the songs here.

While I don’t think originality is the most important of things–especially since everything is influenced by something–I find it difficult finding something to take away from this album. There a handful of fun tracks; and while the others aren’t bad at all, they’re nothing to flip out over, for me.

I enjoyed it, but I’m in no rush to come back, that’s all. Just my opinion.


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