Bibio- Mind Bokeh

Though it is fun to see Bibio cover so much ground on this album–jumping from cowbell rock ballads to odd electronics without batting an eye–the songs behind the sounds aren’t doing all that much for me.
Not that this album isn’t tuneful. In many respects it is. “Light Sleep” and “Take Off Your Shirt” are two examples. My issue is that the songs don’t stand out that much to me. Bibio’s abilities as a sonic chameleon are really what steal the show. But will only keep me entertained for so many listens.

It was a thrill at first, but this thing turned kinda gray kinda fast for me, sadly. Still, a track like “Excuses” is proof this guy can thrill me under the proper conditions.

I don’t hate the album. I’m just kind of on the fence with it, sadly. Maybe Bibio’s future output will do more for me.



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