Colin Stetson- New History Warfare Vol. 2: Judges

Colin Stetson’s latest album redefines the saxophone in an avant-garde context. His drones, motifs, and highly technical sax runs are undeniably gripping and beautiful. Not every piece here may sound completely fleshed out, but the technical ability shown throughout the album is more than enough to distract from that extremely minor problem.
My Brightest Diamond and Laurie Anderson even show up for vocal duty on a good chunk of this album, too; bringing a new depth to the experimental nature of this album.

I guess I have to warn y’all, though. This album is music that’s meant to be observed. It’s nothing to party to, that’s for sure. But while it may not be upbeat or “catchy,” it’s still a really unique experience–even in light of jazz titans like Roland Kirk and Ornette Coleman.



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