
  • AGORA Regathered by Derek Piotr Producer Derek Piotr released an album earlier this year, AGORA, that lead sounds down dark, twisted, and manipulated tunnels of ambient, noise, and experimental music. To follow up the album, Piotr has recently amassed a series of AGORA remixes created by producers who are as

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    MP3 Doug is a Florida-born MC whose eccentric personality makes for a pretty good listen. The dude finds lyrical inspiration in everything from traffic to the speed of life on the track streaming above, “No Rush.” The jazzy beat is manipulated for maximum atmosphere, and it brings a spacey feel

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    A new mixtape, Lunch Special 4, from one of Brainfeeder’s top experimentalists, Jeremiah Jae. Be on the lookout for some heady wordplay and gritty, grimy, lo-fi beats backed with tons of samples. Find a download link right here, and check the cover below:

  • On Black Up, Shabazz Palaces take hip hop deep into the left field with odd beats and surreal effects. It’s definitely an indulgent LP that requires a little bit of effort from the listener, but repeating these songs until they completely unfold is worth the wait. Part of me