Jeremy's Favorite Albums of the Decade (2010-2019)


Hey, y’all! It’s list time again. Only this time, we have to worry about the whole decade. 2010-2019… good time for music, in my opinion. I hate making lists, though, and I definitely felt torn in a million directions while making my list of 100 Favorite Albums of the Decade. I eventually just listed basically every album I loved from this decade, then roughly assembled them into a ranked list. Of course, the ranking is mostly arbitrary, and I could easily make arguments for tinkering with the order here. Outside of my top 10 (which I stand by firmly) I could reorganize this in a myriad of ways.

But I digress. I debuted this list first on Twitter, in a very long ongoing thread with mini-summaries of why I like the given album so much. You can find that thread here:

If you want to read more on why I picked these 100, check out the thread. You should also know that I employed a One Album Per Artist rule for the sake of including as many artists as possible. The only slight exception is if an artist released something solo and then something else with a band or a collaborator (for example: two Mark Kozelek projects on here, but they’re not both simply solo Mark albums).

I’m not saying that these albums were objectively the best of the past ten years. It’s extremely subjective. These are just the 100 albums I feel I enjoyed the most, listened to the most, revisited the most, moved me the most, meant the most to me personally, etc. I hope you find some albums you may have written off or even entirely missed. I think there’s a good mix here of widely praised records and some woefully underrated gems. Take a look. Take a listen.

You’ll also notice that there aren’t many 2019 albums on it. Mostly, this is because I’ve been a very bad and lazy music listener this year, at least in terms of new music. There are a few from this year on the decade list, and you can go find where they fell for yourself.

But here is a little Unranked List of Albums I Loved or Liked A Lot in 2019:

And here is a link to a playlist of some of my favorite songs of the decade. It’s in alphabetical order, but I will at least say my favorite song of the decade is most likely “Doomed” by Moses Sumney. I mean, come on.

And that’s it for listing things, I think. I hope you enjoy digging through my lists, and I hope you find things you like or forgot about. I suppose I’ll see y’all next year for a much more manageable 2020 list, and I will not even begin thinking about the next decade list. I’m not a masochist.

Take care, needle drops.

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