Slugdge - "Putrid Fairytale"

The UK metal duo Slugdge is set to drop it’s fourth full-length album in 2018, and this newest record is looking to be one the project’s slimiest releases yet. As you may have already noticed from the title, much of what the band does is slug-themed (I think it’s specifically giant space slugs, but don’t quote me on that). However, don’t let that weird narrative gimmick distract from the fact that Slugdge is one of the more versatile bands in the metal underground right now. Their sound is an even, seamless blend of progressive, death, black, and sludge metal–not something a lot of bands can pull off effectively.

While there are moments when I wish the production were a bit grimier, or that the vocals were a bit more distinct, Slugdge has got my respect. I mean, to be honest, the teaser track from this forthcoming record of theirs kicks the ass of nearly every cut from the new Mastodon album. That’s gotta count for something, right?

The album’s titled Esoteric Malacology, and is set to come out March 2 via Willowtip.

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