Premiere: H.V.R.F. Sampler #1

Ostensibly based out of Ukrainian ghost town Pripyat, the H.V.R.F. (Hard Vapour Resistance Front) has already amassed a catalog of 24 releases in just under a month of its formation. It’s this high level of productivity that will inevitably lead to the East conquering us shiftless Westerners, so TND is taking the opportunity to get on the good side of the hardvapour regime of our near-future by premiering this sampler containing music from all the H.V.R.F.’s releases to date.

Now, if you don’t know what hardvapour is, it’s basically vaporwave for people who aren’t pussies. But in all seriousness, this is a varied batch of tracks, meshing elements of dark ambient, gabber, and industrial techno music. If you dig those sounds, give this thing a shot.

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