Premiere: HKE - "Omni"

HKE, founder of Dream Catalogue and f.k.a. Hong Kong Express, is bringing the hardvapour to Olde English Spelling Bee! OMNIA is the London producer’s proper debut album under his new handle and marks the beginning of a new musical direction; here’s a bit of background he has provided us:

Omnia is the beginning of my new musical direction, the prologue to the projekt of tomorrow, the first full length album as HKE. Work first started on it around summer of 2015 and culminated in January 2016. It was inspired by a series of dreams, nightmares and sleep paralysis hallucinations I had within about two weeks of each other. Further inspiration from the rumination on existence and the human experience in our present reality and realities beyond our current contemplation as we progress past old ideals and advance to the next stage of evolution, inching ever closer to the idea of God, beyond the insanity of religious tradition and nihilistic emptiness, to a harmonic understanding between scientific exploration and spiritual enlightenment, a future dream reality.
Musically it takes influence from all over the map, with Ash Koosha, OPN, Arca, wosX and some elements from my earlier work as Hong Kong Express.

We’re happy to be premiering the track “Omni” above ahead of the album’s February 4 release. If you dig what you hear, head over to the preorder page to check out the two opening tracks. And if you haven’t heard it yet, do check out the first episode of our rebooted podcast below. At the 38 minute mark, HKE comes on to talk about his vaporwave empire. Enjoy!

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