Revenge - "Wolf Slave Protocol (Choose Your Side)"

Founded by J. Read 15 years ago, Revenge has since delivered some of the most severe and violent music the metal underground has ever produced. Simply put: they are one of the most extreme black metal bands in existence. ‘Behold.Total.Rejection’ is arguably the most fervent release and a manifesto of rejection – rejection of the groundswell of mediocrity within the scene, rejection of compromise as a means of embracing of a wider audience, rejection of the dogma and strictures of religion and the trappings of the feeble social slave. ‘Behold.Total.Rejection’ is a torrential barrage of relentless animosity. No scene. No brotherhood. No remorse.

Edmonton noisemetal act Revenge has a new record on the way via Season of Mist, and you can stream a track from it via the embed above. From the sound of it, this album will be living up to its title: Behold.Total.Rejection. Total rejection certainly seems like a theme here. “Wolf Slave Protocol” kinda sounds like a mentally ill meth addict fighting off half a dozen cops with a rusty switchblade. I hope they got their tetanus shots.

Look for this album’s release on November 11th.


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