Ryan Hemsworth - "Afterglow"

After a relatively quiet stint following the 2014 release of Alone For The First Time, Canadian producer Ryan Hemsworth has a gorgeous new track out called “Afterglow”. The composition features guitar, vocals, and electronic elements from Hemsworth alongside swelling cellos courtesy of Keira McArthur. The beat starts out minimally, but gradually adds in a roster of auxiliary clicks and thwaps, culminating in a heaving, hi-hat infused trap cadence. The wistful melodies, inscribed in the swirl of cellos, synths, and disembodied cooing of Hemsworth, evoke a strange feeling, a dream-like mix of contented bliss and longing. No word as to whether this is part of an unannounced project, or just a one-off that Hemsworth has been stewing on.

Tom Fullmer

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