Spraynard - Mable

I still don’t understand why Spraynard haven’t received more attention over the past few years. To get some background, check out their excellent 2011 Asian Man Records LP, Funtitled, here. Complete with great songwriting, soaring hooks, tight instrumentals, and smart, emotive lyrics, it astounds me that the record didn’t propel them into headlining more tours and playing bigger venues.

Hopefully that’ll change soon. After an almost year-long hiatus followed by some smaller releases, The Pennsylvania pop-punk trio have put out their new full-length, Mable, on Jade Tree Records. The opener, “Applebee’s Bar”, sets the exuberant and impassioned tone for the nine tracks to follow. The bigger label budget lends the production a slicker, more polished sound, but the guitars still have ample shimmer and crunch, while the drums sound more present and punchy than on previous releases. Stream the album in its entirety above.

Tom Fullmer

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