Antarctigo Vespucci - Leavin' La Vida Loca

A debut full-length is on the way from Chris Farren (of Fake Problems) and Jeff Rosenstock (formerly of Bomb The Music Industry! and Arrogant Sons of Bitches). The duo perform and record under the moniker Antarctigo Vespucci, a name that would make your 8th grade history teacher’s skin crawl.

After the group dropped a pair of EPs last year, namely Soulmate Stuff and I’m So Tetheredthe project seems to be maturing a bit and settling into its skin. Their sound combines some elements of each member’s other projects, employing the dreamy, saccharine guitar chords you might hear on a Fake Problems release, as well as the glockenspiel and colorful synths, that when combined, almost feel like the calling card of a Jeff Rosenstock-penned song.

Self-described as “apartment power pop”, the ten tracks feature radiant guitar leads, jaunty tempos, and vocal melodies that comfortably straddle the line between unique and infectious. The production feels a little cleaner than on the two EPs, eschewing the fuzzy, overdriven guitars for more yawning, reverb-laden ones. Vocals are mostly handled (endearingly, I might add) by Farren, but when Rosenstock’s voice does get some time, he actually bothers to sing every note in key, rather than unleash them in the frenetic, manic brain-spray that usually characterizes his delivery.

Stream the record in its entirety above, or pre-order a physical copy over at Rosenstock’s own label, Really Records. The album will also be available for free through Rosenstock’s other label, Quote Unquote Records starting Friday, July 24th.

 Tom Fullmer

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